Structured Investment Products

Raiffeisen Switzerland Structured Investment Products

Raiffeisen Banks offered its client structured investment products as a useful complement to traditional forms of investment for more than ten years. Since November 2016, Raiffeisen Switzerland started to operate as an issuer of structured products, replacing its former subsidiary, Notenstein La Roche, in this capacity.


Raiffeisen is the third largest banking group in Switzerland and the Swiss leading retail bank. From production to distribution, the entire value chain of our investment solutions is largely created in Switzerland. Raiffeisen Group has the largest banking branch network in Switzerland and thus proves that client proximity and addressing the client in the respective regional language is among our core concerns.


Raiffeisen Switzerland has a rating of A3 from the rating agency Moody’s, making it one of the top Swiss banks in this respect. In 2017, the group generated its best ever result and is forecasting continued positive business development for the current financial year. The outstanding credit rating is the result of this cooperative bank's sustained and solid business policy.

Quality of Service

Our quality of service is demonstrated by the superior consultancy service we offer our clients, a high level of product innovation and efficient market making. This has already earned us three Swiss Derivative Awards. In 2015, Raiffeisen received the award for “Top Service” and “Best currency/interest product” (Notenstein La Roche) and in 2018, the Swiss Derivative Award for the “Best derivative product”.


Our product range is aimed at both retail clients and at institutional investors who want to get a better risk/return allocation using structured investment products. We offer investment solutions across a broad range of underlyings and payoff profiles in order to meet the most diverse investment needs. Please feel free to contact us.